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Politics and Current Affairs

Concoda on how control of the global monetary system has centralised into the hands of the Federal Reserve.


Academic Agent speaks to Auron MacIntyre about the free market and what libertarians get wrong about it.


KB Goldtooth and I discuss the UFC and the rise in popularity of Mixed Martial Arts.


I speak with the literary editor of the IM-1776 magazine, Daniel Miller, about the state of art in the modern world and whether dissidents should engage with the concept of “dissident art”.

Politics and Current Affairs

KB and I discuss the recent death of the Queen. The question of monarchy is a complex one for anyone who sees what has become of the nation and its ruling class. Is cynicism the right approach to tackling it?

Politics and Current Affairs

When the Fed recently raised interest rates, the official line was that the move was necessary to combat inflation. But what if it was really about breaking the EU and Davos?

I speak with Tom Luongo, host of the Gold, Goats and Guns podcast about the geopolitical state of affairs.

Politics and Current Affairs

KB Goldtooth and I discuss the recent Vanity Fair article that caused a stir.

We cover why we think it is significant and explore whether some co-option of dissident political energy is afoot.


I speak with Anton Chaitkin about the battle between the forces of imperialism and the forces of economic nationalism in the West.

Anton shares some fascinating history from the time of the Industrial Revolution.

Rebuilding the West

Julius Evola would go on walks during bombing raids to "ponder his destiny." A reminder to live that bit more fully.

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